Generate AI Magic Audio for all tracks

« To Magic Audio tracks: Overview

Magic Audio uses AI to improve the sound quality of a recording that you recorded or uploaded to Riverside. Generate Magic Audio to all tracks in your recording, whether it's in the editor or in the downloadable files, by following the steps below.

You can also apply Magic Audio to individual audio tracks in the editor for more precise audio editing.

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Step by step – from editor

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 16.13.27.png

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Open a recording in the editor or upload an external file to start editing.
  1. On the editor toolbar, click AI Producer.
  2. In the panel, go to Magic Audio.
  3. Click Apply.
    Magic audio is applied to all audio tracks in the recording. 
    Click Revert to original to undo Magic Audio.

Step by step – from Recording Files

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 16.17.30.png

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Click the relevant project.
  3. Under Recordings, click on a recording. 
  4. On the recording's page, scroll to Recording files.
  1. On the right side of the page, click magic-spark-icon.svg Generate Magic Audio.
    The enhanced tracks begin to generate.

Once the tracks are ready, click High Quality and choose Magic Audio. You can also click play next to the raw, Magic, and compressed audio tracks to compare how they sound.

You can also download individual enhanced Magic Audio WAV files.

Icon.svg Good to know

  • This feature is available for all users to try. However, only Pro and Business users can export their edits with the enhanced audio.
  • Riverside can create Magic Audio for recordings you made and files you uploaded after January 14, 2024. If you want to hear how an older recording sounds with Magic Audio, export and upload it.

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