Troubleshooting: Reset Mic and Camera Permissions for Live Call

Troubleshooting for:

  • Joining the Studio
  • Microphone and Camera Connection during Live Call

You may need to reset the permissions between your browser and Riverside's video connection provider, then create new permissions.

Suggested troubleshooting steps:

  1. If using Chrome, copy this link:


    Or if using Edge, copy this link:

  2. Paste the link into the browser's address bar and press Enter.
  3. In the list of websites, if you see, click the  (arrow) to its right (Chrome) or click delete-remove_trash.svg remove (Edge).
    If Riverside is not listed, continue to step 6, below.
  4. Click Reset permissions.
  5. Click Reset again to confirm.

  6. Click this link to run a pre-call connectivity test and allow permissions again for your mic and camera.
    Near the browser's address bar, a prompt asks you to Block or Allow to use your microphone and camera.
  7. Click Allow, then select a camera and mic.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Allow the pre-call test to complete.
  10. Try joining the Riverside Studio again.

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