Perform a test recording

« To Best recording practices: Overview

Run a short test recording to ensure your participants' microphones and cameras are set up correctly. We especially recommend this if you have a first-time guest or if someone is using a microphone or camera on Riverside for the first time.

To preview other features, like a screen share, presentation, media board, or teleprompter, manually create a short recording.

Who: Hosts
Plan: All plans
Device: Computer browser

Watch a video

Run a test recording

  1. Using a computer, join a Studio as a Host.
  2. Invite participants to join the Studio.
  3. At the bottom of the page, hover over the Studio-Record.svg Record button.
  4. On the menu, click clock-stopwatch.svg Run test recording.
  5. When the test recording ends, click each participant's video to review it.
  6. Click Input_Output-sliders-04.svg (Input & Output) to see each participant's
    • selected camera and video resolution,
    • selected audio input and frequency, and
    • video frame rate.
  7. On the left, click test_again-refresh.svg Test again or End test.
    Host - with Video.png

    Host - Audio-Only - compr.png

Guests and Producers can also see the preview videos, but Producers are not included in the test.

If you have auto-start enabled, you cannot also run a test recording.

Make adjustments

After reviewing the 15 seconds of footage, you may want to make some of these adjustments:

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