Upload and share a presentation

« To Share a presentation: Overview

Upload a presentation file in the Studio so you can share it in high resolution when recording. Afterward, the Host can download the deck as a high-quality video track.

When you share the file in the Studio, it does not include presenter notes, animations, or embedded audio/video media. More info about the presentation file.

Step by step

  1. Using a computer, log in to your Riverside account and join a Studio.
    Or join a Studio as an invited Producer or Guest.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click share-box.png Share.
  3. Select Presentation_Recorder_Icon_2x.svg Presentation.
  4. Click + Upload PowerPoint, Keynote, or PDF.
  5. Pick one or more presentation files on your computer and click Open.
    The file uploads.
  6. At the bottom of the screen, hover over the uploaded presentation's thumbnail and click the play.svg present icon.
  7. Click or use the keyboard's arrow keys to change slides.
  8. At the bottom of the Studio, click the share-box.png Stop button to end the presentation.
    upload-presentation.png stop-presenting-or-choose-presenter.png

You can upload a presentation in the Studio before or during a recording session.

To select another person to advance the slides, click the + button at the top and choose Give control.

NOTES: Visibility and File Access
All participants, including Audience members in the Studio, can see the presentation. However, the presentation cannot be seen by people watching a live stream on an external platform.

The Host and Producers can access all presentations uploaded to the current Studio. A Guest can access all presentations they uploaded themselves.

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