Adjust temperature and exposure of participant's mobile camera (camera controls)

« To Riverside for Business studio features: Overview

Who: Host and Producers
Plan: Business
Device: Computer Browser, Android App, or iOS App

Hosts and Producers can adjust a camera's color temperature and light exposure for participants who are recording with the Riverside iOS or Android app. These camera controls allow for better-looking video, regardless of a participant's location and light conditions.

Hosts and Producers can only make camera control adjustments before recording or while the recording is stopped.

The participant must be using the Riverside mobile app for you to adjust their camera. Some Android handsets, like ones manufactured by Samsung, are not supported due to device limitations. More info.

From Computer Browser

  1. Join a Riverside studio as a Host or Producer.
  2. After a Guest joins, click people_users-03.svg People and find their name in the Studio's sidebar.
  3. Under the participant's name, click the downward arrow to open up more settings.
  4. Click Adjust Camera.
  5. In the new Adjust cam window, use the sliders to change Exposure or Temperature.
    Changes are automatically applied to the participant's video.
  6. Click X icon to close the window or Reset all to cancel.
    Studio – Web – Camera Controls.png

From iOS and Android Apps

  1. Join a Riverside Studio as a Host or Producer using the Riverside iOS app.
  2. After a Guest joins, tap and hold a participant's video frame until the actions menu appears.
  3. Select Adjust cam.
  4. TapThermometer iconfor Temperature or Sun icon for Exposure
  5. Use the slider to adjust the video.
    Changes are automatically applied to the participant's video.
  6. Tap Done to close the window or Reset all to cancel.
    Studio – iOS app Cam Controls.png
While the Host or Producer is making changes, the participant sees a message "Your camera settings are being changed by your host..."

After the Host or Producer makes the changes, the participant cannot switch between the device’s front and rear cameras without leaving and re-entering the Studio.

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