My recording stopped unexpectedly

Troubleshooting for:

  • If you or your Guests see the message Your computer stopped recording and you need to reduce the computer's processing tasks

Suggested troubleshooting steps

  • Close all other programs and browser tabs.
  • If your webcam has automatic settings like auto-exposure, auto-focus, or auto-white balance, consider turning them off.
  • If using a laptop, connect it to a power source.
    • Or change its battery settings for maximum performance even when unplugged.
  • If you're using a Mac, use the MacOS desktop app to record.
  • Use the Riverside mobile app to record.
  • If possible, turn off your camera to only record audio, not audio with video.
  • Join with a faster computer.

Additional steps for the Host

  1. Stop the current recording.
  2. Click the settings.svg Settings icon to access the Studio's settings.
  3. In the Recording section, scroll to Video.
  4. Click on Standard resolution.
    The next recording will default to 720p HD resolution.
  5. Start recording again.

Learn more


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