Import timeline to Adobe Premiere Pro

« To Riverside integrations: Overview

After you record in the studio, you can export the timeline as a synchronized package formatted for easy import to Adobe Premiere Pro. You can also make basic edits in the Riverside editor and export the edited timeline, ensuring a seamless transition between stages of the production process. 

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Step by step

  1. Using a computer, download and install Adobe Premiere Pro.
  2. Open the ZIP file exported from Riverside. 
  3. Extract or unzip the ZIP file to a location on the computer.
    Follow these instructions for Windows or Mac.
  4. In Adobe Premiere Pro, click File > Open Project.
  5. Using the file selector, navigate to the folder created in step 3.
  6. Select the XML file (export.xml) and click Open.
    The recording files appear in the Project panel and the tracks are aligned as a sequence on the timeline.
Avoid dragging and dropping folders or files directly into Premiere Pro. To ensure that all elements are correctly linked and structured within your project, import an XML file into Adobe Premiere Pro by following the above steps.

You may need to arrange and resize video track tiles in the Effect Controls panel or the Program Monitor itself (the video preview), as all the tracks are centered and overlapping by default.

What's included?

Based on the recording type, the following are in the timeline package:

  Audio-only recording  Video recording

XML file



Aligned audio (WAV) tracks 
(Separate tracks for each participant)



Raw Audio tracks (WAV)
(Separate tracks for each participant)



Aligned video (CFR MP4) tracks (Separate tracks for each participant)



Any Media Board track files



Comments, markers, and chapters



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