Troubleshooting for:
- Upload progress stuck on Riverside mobile app
- Incomplete upload from Riverside mobile app
If you logged into your account before joining a recording session:
Do not uninstall, delete, or log out of the Riverside app before the upload finishes. This will delete your recording data and it cannot be recovered.
If you did not log into your account or did not have an account before joining a recording session:
Do not log into your existing account until the upload finishes. This will delete your recording data and it cannot be recovered.
Suggested troubleshooting steps
Reopen the app –– the mobile app must be open for the track to finish uploading.
- Check the progress on the Upload Status screen.
- Turn your mobile device off, then turn it back on.
- Reopen the Riverside mobile app to finish the upload.
- Confirm that you have installed the latest version of the Riverside iOS app or Android app.
- Check that your device meets the iOS and Android requirements.
- Check that your device's time is correct and automatically set.
- Try using a different WiFi network or cellular data connection.