Adjust microphone settings on a PC

« to Best Recording Practices: Overview

If your computer has its microphone sensitivity too low or too high, the recording will sound too quiet or too loud.

Adjust the audio input settings on your PC so your voice will sound clear on the final recorded track.

Step by step

  1. Click the Start menu or press the Windows key.
  2. Open Settings, click System, and then click Sound.
  3. Under Input, click the microphone or another input device.
  4. Click Device Properties.
  5. Under Related Settings, click Additional device properties.
  6. Under the Levels tab, adjust the mic sensitivity with the slider.
    To check the new mic levels, close the Device Properties window and click Start test.
  7. On the Levels tab of the Microphone Properties window, adjust the settings as needed, and select OK.
A Host or Producer can adjust a participant's output volume to balance the sound during the live call, but this does not change the audio signal that is recorded to the participant's separate High Quality Track.

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