I hear an echo in the Studio

Troubleshooting for:

  • Hearing participants' voices echo in Studio

One person’s microphone may be picking up the sound of all unmuted participants in the Studio itself. Their device is feeding those sounds back to everyone, which creates the echo.

Often, the participant whose voice is not echoing is the source of the audio feedback and needs Echo Cancellation enabled. Echo cancellation also applies to their recorded track.

Suggested Troubleshooting Steps

Quick fixes

  • Confirm that all participants are wearing headphones, not using their device's speakers.
  • If someone is using an external microphone with a headphone port, they should connect the headphones to their computer, not to the mic.
  • If anyone is using an audio interface, they should enable its Mix-Minus mode.

Determine the echo's source

  1. Each participant on a computer should enable individual Echo Cancellation, one at a time. Check if the echo is reduced or eliminated.
  2. Have the person who is the source of the echo reduce their device's mic sensitivity or mute themselves when not speaking.

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