Has my recording finished uploading?

It's important that your local file is 100% uploaded before closing the Studio. The amount of time the upload process takes depends on the quality of your internet connection and the total length of the recording session.

On a computer

Look for the confirmation at the top of the Studio page that says:

  • check_mono.svg Upload Complete


When the recording stops, the Host, Guests, and any Producers can also track the progress of everyone's uploads in the bottom left corner of the Studio:


If you accidentally close the Studio before the upload completes, follow these steps.

On the mobile app

In Studio – iOS and Android

If you don't see your upload meter, tap your floating preview frame to expand it.
Look for arrow-up-circle.svg 100%.


After Recording – Android only

On your mobile device, view the upload status of your recent recordings by following these steps:

  1. Launch the Riverside mobile app.
  2. In the upper-right corner, tap settings.svg (Settings).
  3. Tap upload-status-cloud-mobile.svg My Uploads.

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