Troubleshooting: Check Available Browser Storage

When you record in the Studio on your computer, Riverside saves your local audio/video files in your browser's temporary storage.

Follow the steps below to check your browser's temporary storage capacity or if you're using a Mac, use the Riverside MacOS Desktop app.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Right-click (or ctrl-click) anywhere on the page and select Inspect.
  3. In the new sidebar, click Application.
    If you do not see Application, click the » (arrows) to show more options.Inspect-Application.png
  4. Under Application, click Storage.
    Usage displays the amount of storage space used and remaining: 
  5. If prompted by a Riverside Support agent, take a screenshot of the Storage panel and send it to them.
    • On a PC: Windows key+Shift+S or the Print Screen key to copy the screenshot to your clipboard.
    • On a Mac: +Shift+4 to save the screenshot to your desktop.

We recommend having 5 GB or more available on your browser for best results when recording.

If you have a recorded track that did not finish uploading, your browser may show a high number for data used (42.1 MB in the example above). After your track uploads from the temporary storage, your computer will remove the track files to restore the space for new recordings.

For a quick conversion, every 1000 megabytes is equal to 1 gigabyte. Look for a number larger than 5000 MB (equal to 5 GB).

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