Finish uploading a local recording track (mobile app)

« To Track file uploading: Overview

Riverside automatically uploads each participant's high-quality track during the session. If you recorded using the Riverside app on a mobile device but left the Studio or closed the app early, you can still finish uploading your data.

Note: The video above applies to the Riverside iOS app version 2.3.1 and earlier.

Step by step - iOS or Android app

  1. Open the Riverside app again.
  2. Look for the Uploading recordings... progress banner at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap it for details.
  4. Keep the app open while the upload completes.
    Your track data should begin uploading automatically when you re-open the app.
    Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 16.05.03.png

If your track does not upload, please follow these troubleshooting steps.

Learn more

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