Who: Hosts and producers
Plan: All plans
Device: Computer browser
Play audio or video files in a Studio's Media Board to add sound effects, music, or video clips to the live recording session.
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Step by step
- Using a computer, join a Studio as a Host or as a Producer (only in Riverside for Business).
- On the right side menu, click Media.
- In the Media sidebar, click a media file's tile to preview it.
- At the bottom of the sidebar, click Live.
- Click the Play button next to Live.
Click Preview/Live to change between playback modes. If Preview is active, only you can see or hear it. When you click Live, all participants see and hear the media and it is recorded as a High Quality Track.
Adjust the volume or fade it in/out in the Studio with the audio slider. Changes to the media volume in the live call are not captured in the recorded file.
Click the loop button to play the media on repeat.
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