Upload new files to the Media Board

« To Media board: Overview

Use the Media Board to play audio and video files in the studio. You can upload your own theme music, transitions, or videos to the Media Board before or during a the recording. 

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Step by step

  1. Using a computer, join a Studio as a Host or as a Producer (only in Riverside for Business).
  2. On the right side menu, click media_music.svg Media.
  3. At the top of the Media sidebar, click  + Upload media.
    Your computer's file selector opens.
  4. Choose one or more supported media files and click Open
    You can upload a batch of up to 9 files at once.
    The file appears in the Media tab.
  5. Click ••• [the three dots] next to a file on the Media Board to rename or remove it.
    Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 17.19.58.png

Media board files you upload are saved and added across all studios in the production.

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