Help a participant change their mic, camera, or speaker

« To Riverside for Business studio features: Overview

Hosts and Producers in a Riverside for Business account can prompt a participant to use a different microphone, speaker, or camera in the Studio before a recording session.


When a guest joins via mobile, you cannot change their selected devices, even if Bluetooth headphones are connected to their phone.

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Step by step

  1. Using a computer, log in to your account.
  2. Join a Riverside Business studio as host or producer.
  3. Stop the recording session, if one is in progress.
  4. On the right side menu, click people.svg People to open the sidebar.
  5. In the sidebar, find the participant's name and click the chevron.down@15x.png down arrow icon.
  6. Under Input & Output, check available devices by clicking the camera, mic, or speaker menu.
  7. On the list, click the device you would like the participant to use.
    Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 16.10.24.png

The participant's screen displays a pop-up prompt about the device switch, like in the image below.

The device only changes after they click Allow.

Studio – Change Input Prompt_hr.png

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