« To Audience member role: Overview
In addition to watching the live recording session and participating in the live chat, audience members can also request to join the live studio session and be recorded, which is called a live call-in. Only audience members watching the live stream from a computer using Chrome or Edge can live call-in.
Live call-ins can make a live streaming session more interactive by giving viewers the opportunity to directly participate in the conversation.
Who: Audience
Plan: All plans
Device: Computer browser
Requesting a live call-in
All audience members have the option to request a live call-in. When an audience member clicks request live call-in, they are prompted to connect their devices to Riverside, like their mic and camera, and enter their name and the reason they'd like to join the live session.
The host or producer then receives a notification at the bottom of their screen with the request. They can see the name of the requester and their message. They can choose to either accept the audience member on screen or decline their request.
If the host or producer accepts the request, the audience member immediately enters the studio and is live on screen. Everyone in the studio and watching the live stream can see and hear them. The audience member is also recorded.
If the host or producer rejects the request, the audience member remains in the audience and continues to watch the session. They can submit additional call-in requests.
Multiple audience members can request a live call-in at once and you can accept more than one into the studio at the same time. Each person who requests to join the live recording is listed in the People sidebar under Live Call-Ins.
During the live call-in
While the audience member is live in the session, they can turn off/on their camera by clicking Cam or mute/unmute themself by clicking
Mic. They can also change their audio output (speaker) and share their screen.
Audience members can leave the live session themself by clicking Leave or the host or producer can remove them from the session.
After the live call-in
Once the audience member leaves, they're redirected to the audience so they can continue to watch the live recording and their high quality recording track uploads to Riverside.
The host receives the audience member's high quality track after the session ends and can edit it in the editor.