Edit and share an audio-only recording clip

« To Download and share your content: Overview

When recording in the Studio, Riverside records both audio and video by default. If you want to create audio-only content or share an excerpt without video, follow the steps below, depending on your preferred workflow.  

Watch a video

You can also change a Studio's Recording mode on its settings page if you want to only record audio. You and your participants will still see each other during the live call.

Before making any edits

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. In the ☰ menu on the left, click the relevant studio.
  3. Click the relevant project.
  4. Under Recordings, click on a recording. 
  5. On the recording's page, scroll to Recording files.
  1. In the All Participants row, click download-track.svg High Quality.
  2. On the menu, click Export audio-only (WAV).

    The recording opens in the Riverside Editor with all tracks set to Use audio only and ready to export.
  3. On the Export options panel, click Export to create the audio-only file.
  4. Or click the X to continue editing and customizing the recording.
    • Click Export to open the Export options panel again.
  5. Click Export to confirm.
    After the audio file processes, download it from the recording's page.

After making edits to an audio and video recording

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Open a recording in the editor or upload an external file to start editing.
  1. In the top right corner, click Export.
  2. Click the Audio tab. 
  3. Click Export.
    After the audio file processes, download it from the recording's page.

After opening a draft Magic Clip, use steps 5-7 above to make it audio-only.

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