Hide (remove) an individual video track in the editor

« To Video tracks layout and formatting in the editor: Overview

You can control who appears on screen by removing one or more participants' video tracks and using only their audio. This is great if the participant’s video is not relevant or if their audio doesn’t need to be visually represented, such as when it is used as voiceover or narration.

Untitled design (1).gifStep by step

We recommend using Smart Scenes first to quickly and accurately apply dynamic layouts to your recording.

  1. Open a recording in the editor.
  2. Click the outer border of the recording canvas.
  3. Select Tracks.
  4. Click on the participant's tile you want to hide. 
    The video track is removed during that scene.

Please note that the audio for all participants is still included, even when their track is hidden or another speaker's track fills the recording canvas. However, you can mute each participant's audio for that segment .

Return a video track to the recording

  1. Click the outer border of the recording canvas.
  2. Select Tracks.
  3. Click on the participant's tile you want show in the video.
    The video track returns to that scene.

Icon.svg Good to know

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