Download high-quality tracks

« To Download and share your content: Overview

High-quality tracks are recorded locally on each participant's computer or device. Slow internet should not affect their quality. Download the separate tracks to use them with editing software.

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Step by step

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Click the relevant project.
  1. Click the relevant recording.
  2. On the recording session's page, scroll to Recording files.
  3. Next to the desired participant's track with the Done status, click download-track.svg High quality.
  4. Select a media format, such as film-h_track-download-icon.svg Raw video or audio-track-sound-wave.svg Raw audio.
    The high quality track downloads in the selected format.

Icon.svg Good to know

  • High-quality screen share tracks are only available if the screen share was recorded using the MacOS desktop app. Otherwise, you can download all media board content or screen shares as aligned, separate tracks.
  • The option to download individual tracks is available only if an account has recorded less than the allotted amount of download hours. For example, if you have a free account, which allows 2 hours of downloads, your option to download individual tracks made from any recording at any time disappears once you have recorded over 120 minutes. You can view your lifetime recording hours at any time.

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