Audio quality during export

« To Download and share your content: Overview

Riverside exports your content's audio from the editor in high quality, as uncompressed WAV files. This audio is at a higher quality than the compressed HLS version you hear in the editor.

However, the final exported clip does undergo processing:

  1. Mixing:
    • All participant's tracks are combined into the final mix.
  2. Normalization:
    • EBU R128 normalization: Always applied after mixing, ensuring consistent loudness for the entire clip.
    • Per-track normalization (optional): If you choose to normalize audio levels when exporting your recording from the editor, the volume of each track is individually adjusted before mixing. 

This exported audio quality matches the uncompressed source as closely as possible, aside from the effects of normalization and any edits applied.

Icon.svg Good to know

  • EBU R128 normalization is automatically applied to all exported clips and cannot be disabled. 

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