Change the layout while in the studio

« To Studio sidebar: Overview

You can customize the layout of your videos during a live studio session, tailoring the visual experience to meet your needs.

Highlight the active speaker for presentations or interviews, provide equal visibility for all participants during group discussions, or use split view for co-hosted events.

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Step by step

  1. Join a studio as the host or producer.
  2.  On the sidebar on the right, click Layout.
  3. Choose between Grid, Speaker, or Speaker split screen.
    • Grid shows video frames for up to four participants. If there are more than four participants, the others are added to a smaller row at the bottom of the screen and move to the main grid when they speak.
    • Speaker shows only the active speaker.
    • Speaker split screen displays the active speaker prominently, with the other participants shown in a narrow column on the right. 
  4. Choose between Fill or Fit.
    • Fit frame shows everyone's full (16:9) video.
    • Fill shows everyone's video frame slightly zoomed-in, cropped, and centered to fill their entire video frame.

Rearrange participants' video tiles

  1. Join a studio as the host or producer.
  2. Hover over the participant's tile you to move. 
  3. Click the Group 514280.svg Handle icon and drag the participant's video tile to the desired location.

Expand and pin a participant's video tile

  1. Join a studio as the host or producer.
  2. Hover over the participant's tile you want to fill the screen with.
  3. Click theicon (8).svgPin icon.
    The selected speaker is displayed prominently, with the other participants shown in a narrow column on the right.
  4. Click the unpin.svg Unpin icon to revert. 

View a participant's video tile in full screen

  1. Join a studio as the host or producer.
  2. Right-click or Ctrl-click on one of the video tiles.
  3. Click Full screen view.
    Group 672972450 (4).png
    If you view your own video in full screen, it displays the video without mirroring.
    This view does not apply to uploaded presentations.
  4. Press the esc key to exit the full screen.

Icon.svgGood to know

  • Guests in the studio do not see the layout chosen by the host, but they can set their own layout.
  • Audience members and live stream viewers see the host's layout.

  • Layout changes are reflected in the All participants cloud recording. However, they are not automatically applied in the editor. 
  • In the Speaker Split Screen layout, the active speaker is displayed prominently to other participants but not to themselves. While they can still see their own video, it is not shown in the primary highlighted position. Instead, a purple speaker frame around their video tile indicates that they are being displayed as the active speaker to others.

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