Save a caption preset

« to Captions: Overview

Set up a caption preset to apply your preferred caption styles, including color, animation, font and more, to new recordings.

Who: Account Owner, Admins, Directors, and Editors
Plan: Pro and Riverside for Business
Device: Computer Browser

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Step by step

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Open a recording in the editor or upload an external file to start editing.
  1. In the editor toolbar, click captions_icon.svg Captions.
  2. In the Captions panel, choose one of the style preset options.
  3. On the video canvas , click the caption text to apply your customizations, including:
    • The typeface, text size, animation style, colors (main color and highlight color), capitalization, line control, characters per line, and alignment. 
    • To add a custom color, click the color picker, and choose +. Then add the Hex code (e.g. #0000FF).
  4. Once you apply your preferred styles, to the right of the captions customization bar, click the 3 dots menu
  5. Click +Save to presets.
    Your caption preset saves in the Captions panel for you to apply to current and future recordings. You can always edit and resave the preset.

You can create an unlimited amount of caption presets and can set a preset as the default for captions in Magic Clips.

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