Delete Riverside account

«To Manage your account: Overview

You can delete your Riverside account, by following the steps below.

Once your account is deleted, the assets it contained cannot be recovered. Be sure to download any files you want to keep.

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Step by step

If you're on a paid plan, cancel your subscription to switch to our free plan before deleting your account. Once that's done, follow the steps below to complete the process.
  1. On a computer, log into your account.
  2. In the bottom left corner, click the account menu button.
  3. Click user-round.svg Manage account.
  1. On the left side of the page, click Subscription.
  2. Next to Delete account, click Delete.
  3. Check your email for a message from with the subject Verify it’s you.
    • If you do not see the email, check your spam or junk folders.
  4. Open the email and click It's me.
  5. On the new page, type your email address and click Delete account.
    Your account is deleted and you are immediately logged out of it.
  6. To confirm the deletion, check your email for a message from with the subject Your account is deleted. We’re sorry to see you go.

Learn more 

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