Move a recording from one project to another

« To Projects: Overview

Riverside takes a first crack at sorting your existing studio content into projects, but you can always move recordings between projects, create new projects, and rename projects.

Follow the steps below to move a recording to a different project. 

Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 16.31.42.png

Step by step

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  1. Click in on the project you want to organize. 
  2. Under Recordings, hover over the recording you'd like to move to another project.
  3. Click ••• [the three dots] to open the dropdown menu. 
  4. Click Move to project.
  5. Select an existing project or create a new project to move the recording to it. 
    Once selected, the recording moves to that project. 

Learn more

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