Inactive Account Policy

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This Inactive Account Policy applies only to free subscription plans. If you are paying for a Standard, Pro, or Business plan, this policy does not apply.


A Riverside account provides access to the Riverside web and mobile platforms.

What is considered an inactive account?

An account is considered inactive if it has not been used for at least 120 days. A Riverside account is considered active if your perform any of the following activities:

  • Logging into your Riverside account on the web or mobile
  • Recording a video
  • Sharing a recording
  • Exporting a recording

Note: Using Riverside as a logged-out guest or reading emails from Riverside or an article on our blog does not count as activity.

What happens when your account is inactive?

If your account is inactive for 120 days, it will be deemed inactive. Riverside will then delete the account and its content.

What happens when you cancel your Standard or Pro account?

If you cancel your Standard or Pro account, it will automatically be downgraded to a free account and the above policy will apply.

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