View and manage registrants for a scheduled studio session

« To Audience registration: Overview

After enabling pre-registration for a studio session, you can view and manage the list of registrants to track attendance and engage attendees early.

Following the session, you can download a file with your audience’s registration details, making it easier to streamline follow-up efforts and use the data for lead generation and newsletters.

Who: Account Owner, Admins, Directors, and Editors
Plan: Some Business plans, contact your CSM
Device: Computer Browser


Step by step

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.

  2. In the sidebar on the right, click the Scheduled tab.

  3. To the right of the relevant session, click the users-edit.svg Registrants list icon:

    • Under Audience Registration, click Copy link to copy the registration link

    • In the Registrants section, click Download to download a CSV file of the registrants list.

    • Use the Sort by dropdown on the right to organize the list by registration date, name, or email.

    • Under the Status column, you can approve or revoke access for specific individuals:

      • Click the x.svg Cancel button to reject a registration and prevent the person from joining the event.

      • Click the checkmark.svg Approve button to revert back to Approved and accept their registration. By default, all registrants are approved.

Custom fields are not visible on the registrants page. To view them, download the audience registration file CSV file.

The event will remain visible in the project folder for one month for your reference. After that, you can always download the registration details by following the steps below:

Download audience registration file 

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Click the relevant project.
  3. Under Recordings, click on a recording. 
  4. On the recording's page, scroll to Recording files.
  1. Go to Audience Registration
  2. To the right, click Download to download a CSV file of your audience's names and email addresses.

Learn more


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