Enable audience registration

« to Audience registration: Overview

When you enable audience registration in your Studio Settings, participants who join your studio using an audience link or invite email are required to provide their name and email before entering, allowing you to gather audience data effectively.

Who: Account Owners
Plan: Some Business plans, contact your CSM
Device: Computer Browser

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Step by step

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. In the ☰ menu on the left, hover over the Studio, and click ••• [the three dots].
  3. Click Go to Studio.
  4. On the Lobby page, enter your details and click Join Studio.
  5. At the top of the Studio, click Settings.
  1. On the left sidebar, click Advanced
  2. Go to the section Audience Info.
  3. To the right of Audience registration, toggle on toggle-on.svg to enable it.  
    Toggle off toggle-off-grey_36x24.svg to disable it.

After a studio session, download your audience registration details from the Recording dashboard.

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