Remove cross-talk

« To Transcriptions: Overview

Cross-talk occurs when multiple people speak simultaneously during a conversation.
In the Riverside editor, you can easily identify these moments in the transcript and mute them as needed.

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Step by step

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Open a recording in the editor or upload an external file to start editing.
  3. Above the timeline, click transcript_icon_bk.svg Transcript.
  4. In the transcript, hover above the cross-talk.
    Cross-talk appears as indented text in the transcript.
  5. Next to the name of the person speaking, click the volume-x.svg Mute icon. 

Icon.svg Good to know

  • Although you can view, edit, and remove cross-talk in the transcript, no captions are displayed on-screen during these moments.

Learn more


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