Add more live studio features to your plan (Live Studio add-on)

« To Subscription plans: Overview

Add Live Studio to your Riverside subscription plan to get more studio features.

Group 672972468 (2).png Step by step

  1. On a computer, log into your account.
  2. In the bottom left corner, click the account menu button.
  3. Click user-round.svg Manage account.
  1. On the left, under Your account, click Subscription.
  2. Click Upgrade plan.
  3. At the bottom left of the window, click See pricing.
  4. At the top of the page, click the toggle to switch between Yearly and Monthly billing.
    When the toggle is off toggle-off-grey_36x24.svg, your account is set to Monthly billing.
    When the toggle is on toggle-on.svg, your account is set to Yearly billing.
  5. Under your desired plan, either Standard or Pro, check the box next to Live Studio.
  6. Click Switch to this plan
    You receive the Live Studio features immediately after your purchase.
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    If you're adding Live Studio to your existing plan, you will be charged for it immediately. Discounts you have on your current plan are applied to the purchase of the add-on. 

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