Add a background image to your Studio

« To Customize and brand your studio: Overview

Add a background image to personalize your Studio. The image shows behind the video frames in the Studio.

Step by step

  1. Join a studio session as the host or producer.
  1. On the right side menu, click brand.png Brand.
  2. In the Brand sidebar, next to Theme, click the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose Custom.
  4. Next to Background, click the plus.svgplus icon.
  5. In the Background menu, click Image.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. In the file picker, choose a JPG or PNG image from your computer. We recommend using an image with 16:9 (widescreen) aspect ratio or a file that is 1920x1080 pixels.
    The image appears in the background of your Studio. 

The branding you choose for the Studio is saved automatically. Anyone who enters the Studio sees it and it's included in live streams. Background images and colors (not including gradients) also carry over to the Editor, but can be changed.

Please note that studio branding does not reflect in the editor for recording created before July 2024.

Studio branding appears in the cloud recording, but not in the individual high quality tracks.

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