Upload and edit media using Riverside on Spotify for Podcasters

« To Spotify for Podcasters integration: Overview

From Spotify for Podcasters' site, use Riverside's online editor to customize your recordings, combine media assets, create captions, and more.

The steps below are for Spotify for Podcasters users.

Select Media

  1. Log in to podcasters.spotify.com with your Spotify for Podcasters account.
  2. Click Create episode.
  3. Under Need to build an episode?, click Create with Riverside, then Let's Go.
    Riverside loads in the same Spotify for Podcasters window.
  4. Sign up for a free Riverside account or log in to an existing Riverside account.
    • You can also use your Spotify credentials, Google account, or AppleID to create a new account with Riverside.
  5. After logging in, under How do you want to Start?, click Edit episode.
  6. Click + Add and choose from previous Recordings or earlier Edits in your Riverside library.
    • If you've verified your email with Riverside, you can also Upload assets you recorded elsewhere.
  7. create-episode-edit-add-from-library.png

Edit and Export

  1. Edit using the transcript, add overlays, and customize your design.
    • Click the add_from_library-lg.svg plus button at the end of the timeline or at a split where two sections meet to add more media from your Riverside library.
  2. At the top-right corner of the page, click Export.
  3. Under Export Options, choose the file type and other details, then click Export to Spotify.
    When Riverside finishes processing your episode, Spotify for Podcasters' Episode Details page loads.


  1. On Spotify's Episode Details page, enter a TitleEpisode description, Publish time, and other metadata.
  2. At the bottom right, click Next.
  3. Add an optional Q&A or poll, then click Next.
  4. Review the details, then click Publish / Schedule.

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