Publish audio or video to Castos

« To Riverside integrations: Overview

After you use Riverside to record and edit, publish your exported media for distribution using Castos. Castos creates an RSS feed to host your podcast.

If you have a Castos Pro plan, you can also publish video episodes.

Step by step

  1. On a computer, log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Click the relevant project.
  3. On the project recording's page, scroll to the Edits section.
  1. Click on an edit with an Exported label to open the publish page.
    • If you do not have an exported edit, export one.
  2. Under the video preview, click the castos.png Castos logo.

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  3. Type in an episode title and click Export.
  4. Sign in to an existing Castos account or create a new one.
  5. On the Import from Riverside page, click Create draft episode.
    The file finishes processing.
  6. Update episode details, like the required Episode Title and Brief Description fields.
  7. At the bottom of the page, click Publish Episode or Save Draft.

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