Mute an individual track or track segment

« To Individual track editing: Overview

Mute an individual track or a part of a track to remove it's audio, transcription, and captions. This is a great way to solve multiple people speaking at once, or cross-talk.

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Step by step

Mute the entire track

  1. Open a recording in the Editor.
  2. On the right side of the timeline toolbar, click Expand tracks
  3. Select the individual track (participant) you would like to mute. 
  4. On the left side of the timeline toolbar, click Mute
    The participant's entire track is muted. 
    Click unmute to return the track's audio. 

Mute a track segment

  1. Open a recording in the Editor.
  2. On the right side of the timeline toolbar, click Expand tracks
  3. On the timeline, click and drag your mouse to highlight the section you want to mute. 
  4. On the left side of the timeline toolbar, click Mute
    That segment of the track is muted. 
    Click unmute to return the track segment's audio. 

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 15.43.39.png

Muting a track is different than deleting audio. The video recording remains in tact, however the transcription and captions are removed. 

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