Allow producers to edit script and control teleprompter

« To Studio teleprompter: Overview

An invited producer can view and edit the script, control the studio teleprompter, and share it with guests.

Who: Host
Plan: Riverside for Business

Device: Computer Browser

Step by step

  1. Join a studio session as the host or producer.
  2. Stop the current recording.
  3. At the top of the page, click the settings icon.
  1. Click All settings at the bottom of the panel.
  2. On the left-side panel, click Advanced.
  3. Next to script-icon.svg Script Permissions, toggle toggle-on.svg on to enable it.
    When the toggle is on, invited producers can view and edit the script, control the teleprompter, and share it with guests. 

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A logged-in producer can also see the script-icon.svg Script button at the bottom of the studio, launch the teleprompter, and edit its text.

The host and producers can make edits to the text simultaneously.

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