Apply Magic Audio to individual tracks in the Editor

« To Magic Audio tracks: Overview

Apply AI-enhanced Magic Audio to individual audio tracks in the editor to improve the track's sound quality by following the steps below.

You can also generate Magic Audio for all recording tracks or uploaded media.

Please note:
This feature is in beta and is being released gradually to Riverside users.

Screenshot 2024-09-05 at 16.03.38.png

Step by step

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Open a recording in the editor or upload an external file to start editing.
  1. In the tool menu on the right, click people_users-03.svg Tracks.
  2. Next to a participant's name, click the chevron-right.svg arrow.
  3. In their expanded details, click the toggle on toggle-on.svg next to Magic Audio.
    The enhanced track begins to generate.
    • Click the X if you want to cancel the process.
    • Click Revert to original to undo Magic Audio.


Riverside can create Magic Audio for recordings created after January 14, 2024. If you want to hear how an older recording sounds with Magic Audio, export and upload it

Learn more


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