I didn't receive an email from Riverside

Troubleshooting for:

  • Not receiving expected emails from Riverside, such as reset password emails, production invite emails (for Business users), and exported clip is finished alerts.

Suggested Troubleshooting Steps

  • Check all of your email folders, such as spam, junk, and all, for the email.
  • Check if you have any security in place on your device, email system, or network that may block the emails from reaching your inbox. If so, turn these off.

  • Check if you have a firewall active or VPN. If so, disable them.

  • If you requested to unsubscribe from any email from Riverside in the past, you will not receive any emails from Riverside, including platform emails, like studio invite emails. Reach out to support to resubscribe to emails.
  • Reach out to support to re-trigger the email.

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