Turn off recording countdown

« To Studio settings: Recording

By default, when the recording begins, each participant sees a 5-second countdown before the recording starts. Toggle this off in the studio's settings to hide the countdown timer when you click record.

Before a studio session

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
  2. Under Studios, click the relevant Studio.
  3. From the sidebar on the right, click Settings
  4. From the tabs at the top, click Recording.
  5. Scroll down to Recording Start.
  6. Next to Countdown timer, toggle off  toggle-off-grey_36x24.svg to disable it.
    When the toggle is off, in all future recordings, the recording starts immediately without a countdown.
    Group 672972457 (2).png

During a studio session

  1. Join a studio session as the host or producer.
  2. Stop the current recording.
  3. At the top of the page, click the settings icon.
  1. Click All settings at the bottom of the panel.
  2. Click Recording.
  3. Scroll down to Recording Start.
  4. Next to Countdown timer, toggle off toggle-off-grey_36x24.svg to disable it.
    When the toggle is off, in all future recordings, the recording starts immediately without a countdown.

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