Join Studio as a Producer

« To Join a studio session: Overview

If you do not want to be recorded, join the Studio as a Producer after logging in to your account.

Like the Host, you can start and stop a recording. If you enable your camera, you can be seen by all other participants, including Audience members and anyone watching a live stream

Plan: All Plans

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Step by step

  1. Using your computer, log in to your account.
  2. Join the Studio as the Host as you usually would.
  3. At the bottom of the Lobby page, click Join as a producer.
  4. Enter a display name.
  5. Select whether you are wearing headphones.
  6. Select your mic, camera, and audio output.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Click Enter the Recording Studio.
    logged-in-producer.png logged-in-producer_2.png

As a Producer, if you share your screen during a recording, the screenshare is recorded and available to download as a High Quality Track.

Unless you are in a Riverside for Business account, you must join the Studio as the Host for access to the media board.

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