Zoom in and out on the Editor's timeline

« to Editor timeline: Overview

Make precise trims and splits to your recording by zooming in on the recording’s timeline.

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Step by step

  1. On a computer, log in to your Riverside account.
  2. In the ☰ menu on the left, click the relevant Studio.
  3. Click the relevant recording.
  4. In the top right corner, click Edit and choose + Create new edit.
    Or scroll to Edits and click a Draft or magic-spark-icon.svg Magic Clip.
  1. At the right side of the timeline, click the zoom-in.svg and zoom-out.svg buttons or drag the scrubber to change the magnification level.

You can also use the keyboard shortcuts:

  • + and - to increase and decrease the zoom.
  • / arrow keys to move along the timeline.

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