Set default transcription language

« To Studio settings: Recording

Riverside uses AI to transcribe your recording. By default, it transcribes conversations in English. For greater accuracy when generating transcriptions, you can indicate the language spoken in your studio.

From the dashboard

  1. Log in to your Riverside account.
    If you have multiple studios, select the relevant studio.
  2. From the sidebar on the left, click Settings
  3. Click Studio settings.
  4. Scroll down to Language.
  5. Next to Transcript & captions language, select a language from the dropdown menu. 
    The setting applies to future recordings and does not generate new transcriptions for past recordings.
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From the studio

  1. Using a computer, join a studio as the host or as a producer.
  2. At the top right of the page, click the settings.svg Settings icon.
  3. Next to Transcript language, select a language from the dropdown menu. 
    The setting applies to future recordings and does not generate new transcriptions for past recordings.
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