Guests can't enter the studio with the studio invite link

Troubleshooting for:

  • The Riverside Studio or mobile app says Studio isn't live yet... or Private Studio
  • Cannot see other people
  • Cannot turn on mic or camera to record

Sometimes the unique Studio code of a Studio invite link is altered by an email client or calendar event, which changes it into an Audience link.

You can ask the Host or a Producer to send a new link, or follow the steps below to fix the code yourself:

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Copy and paste the Studio invite link into a blank email or text message.
  2. Check that the link's URL ends in a series of letters and numbers without other characters or symbols.
    The invite link's text should look like:
    with 20 letters and numbers after t=,
    or it will have 40 letters and numbers after token=:
  3. Delete any additional characters or symbols like </a> or <br>.
  4. Copy the corrected link URL.

On a mobile device:

  1. Paste the corrected URL in the address bar of the device's mobile browser.
  2. Tap Go to open the link.
  3. Tap Join studio via app to open the Studio.
    The Riverside mobile app launches and connects to the Studio.

In a computer browser:

  1. Paste the corrected URL in the address bar of a supported browser, Chrome or Edge.
  2. Press enter.
    The page should show Let's check your camera and mic.
  3. Finish joining the Studio.

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